Vendoo vs. Vendoo Enterprise: Find the Perfect Plan for Your Business

High-Volume Sellers
Vendoo vs. Vendoo Enterprise: Find the Perfect Plan for Your Business

Are you a seller trying to conquer multiple marketplaces and scale your business? Then, juggling listings, managing inventory, and analysing sales can feel like navigating a daunting path. Vendoo offers two robust solutions tailored to your specific needs: Vendoo and Vendoo Enterprise. But which one is right for you? This blog will cut through the confusion and help you choose the plan that propels your reselling journey to new heights.


Vendoo: Your Go-To Reseller Toolkit

Think of Vendoo as your versatile Swiss Army knife. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, it equips you with:


  • Crosslisting Magic: Effortlessly list your items across 10+ marketplaces like eBay, Poshmark, and Mercari, saving you time and expanding your reach.

  • Inventory Management: Keep your stock organized with intuitive tools for tracking quantities, costs, and locations. Say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to control!

  • Analytics Dashboard: Gain valuable insights with built-in analytics. Track sales performance, identify top sellers, and make data-driven decisions to boost profits.

  • Background Remover & Advanced Photo Editor: upload and edit stunning images with ease. Vendoo's tools help you showcase your products like a pro.

  • Sale Detection & Auto Delist: Never double-sell again! Vendoo automatically detects sales on supported platforms and removes listings from other marketplaces, preventing overselling.

  • Competitive Pricing: Tiered and flexible subscription prices with a forever-free plan.

  • Bulk Delist & Reslist: Refresh state listings regularly!

  • Live customer support: Our customer service team is always available to help you support your reselling needs.

  • An iOS and Android Mobile App: resell on the go, anywhere, anytime!


Vendoo Enterprise: Conquering High-Volume Reselling

For resellers wielding massive inventories and ambitious expansion plans, Vendoo Enterprise is your way to get results. Imagine having a team ready and able to tackle crosslisting and analytics by your side, and that's what Vendoo Enterprise offers:


All of Vendoo's Features, PLUS:

  • Consulting: recommending marketplaces based on inventory and operations

  • Curating relationships between sellers and the marketplaces directly

  • Bulk uploading in high volume via custom SKUS, CSVs, or directly from marketplaces

  • Hands-off listing to the marketplaces of your choice

  • Listing maximisation, including category mapping and SEO optimisation customised by marketplaces

  • Bulk editing and removal upon sale

  • Multichannel inventory management and bookkeeping services

  • Custom services and listing maintenance

  • Spreadsheets, analytics, and reports


….and so much more! Vendoo Enterprise clients receive white-glove premium services, an account dashboard, and VIP customer support with a dedicated account executive to assist them directly. 


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Choosing Your Vendoo Plan

Now, the crucial question: Which plan is your perfect match?


Take This Self-Assessment Quiz:

  • What is your ideal inventory size?
      • A. Over 8,000 items (Vendoo Enterprise)
      • B. Under 8,000 items (Vendoo)
  • How many items do you list per month:
      • A. Between 1,500 & 50K (Vendoo Enterprise)

      • B. Under 1,000 (Vendoo) 

  • Do you want to expand to a new marketplace quickly but find it complicated because of your large inventory?

      • A. Yes (Vendoo Enterprise)

      • B. No (Vendoo)

  • Do you want to spend less time crosslisting and more time on sourcing inventory or scaling your business?

      • A. Yes, I want to automate tasks and focus on strategic growth (Vendoo Enterprise)

      • B. No, manual crosslisting works for me (Vendoo)

  • Are bulk actions on thousands of items, such as importing, crosslisting, and delist/relist, a must-have? OR is 10-100 at a time sufficient?

    • A. Must-have for managing thousands of items (Vendoo Enterprise)

    • B. 10-100 items at a time works for me (Vendoo)


  • 3 or more A's: Vendoo Enterprise is your growth accelerator!
  • 3 or more B's: Vendoo is your powerful, time-saving companion.


Remember: This is just a guide. Consider your budget, technical expertise, and specific needs when making your final decision.


Ready to Level Up Your Reselling Game?


Bonus Vendoo User Review:

“We used to use List Perfectly for our business, but it wasn’t scalable. We wanted to expand to multiple new marketplaces; however, it would have taken months on their platform to do so. We found the Vendoo Enterprise programme and got in touch with the team there. They transferred all our items from List Perfectly onto 2 new platforms within 10 days. Since then, we have added an additional 2 marketplaces and are looking to start our 7th soon. Our ARR has increased 3 fold since using Vendoo, and we now have more time to process additional inventory because of how easy the tool is.  Thank you, Vendoo!” - Jason, Vendoo Enterprise Customer


Vendoo: Committed to Your Success

Rest assured, Vendoo prioritises both data security and exceptional customer support. You're not just getting a tool; you're joining a supportive community dedicated to your business’s growth.


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